Hope House - Alabama

Hope House - Alabama

(205) 625-4679

1000 Lincoln St.
Oneonta, AL - 35121

The Hope House is dedicated to helping those in their times of need. 

They are happy to assist anyone who needs assistance with utilities, such as power, water, etc. 

Unfortunately, they do not assist with cell phone bills, gasoline, etc.

Additionally, they cannot assist you if your utilities have already been disconnected.

If you need assistance, please contact us at (205) 625-4673 ext. 300

You will need:

-a valid photo ID

-Copy of the bill

-Proof of income (i.e. Disability/food stamp letter)

Office hours are:

  • Monday-Wednesday 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM & 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Due to limited time availability, an appointment is required

You may call and leave a voice mail any day

Rental ?
Heating ?
Water Bill ?
Cooking Fuel ?
Electricity ?

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Hope House - Alabama
Hope House - Alabama

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